Because the light source in a canon nb-2l battery single, light, easy to make the main body of the modelling of the silhouette effect. A If increase exposure much performance some shadow detail, strong light part will be excessive exposure. Form a kind of light to the dark parts of the permeability light effects, enrich the dizzy picture modelling language.

The light attractive first,canon bp-511a battery because can to bring realism and different picture of art emotional appeal. The light rays of light, though limited not perfect, but can give a person a kind of see it as subjects of realism. The second reason is convenient, the photographer, the creative play in the use of field light Angle and position. The third advantage of light is easy to make the direct relax, get natural art form, when using the scene shot, not to link up by the hinds perturbation.

In the shooting stage performance or sports, use flash light, easy to interference performance or a game with field, the light is not exist such eos 40d battery

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