May 29, the American consumer safety commission (CPSC), said in a report released by the presence overheating and damaged, may cause fire and burn user problems, HP will again 16.26 million recalls notebook batteries.HP OmniBook XE2-DC-F2065KG Battery

The HP is voluntarily recalling the consumer market, China is also listed in affected. May 30, east kunlun lawyer business partner told reporters, tension in China has not been set up consumer electronics product recall system of the circumstances, China consumer can according to the contract law, the HP OmniBook XE2-DC-F2028WT Battery protection of consumers' rights, "product quality standard" win compensation, in similar recall, in "injury" status.

General manager of plan world consulting QuXiaoDong think: HP electronic product quality problems keep, a quality problem, but also a strategic problem.

This is the third time over the past two years HP HP OmniBook 2100-F1584WT Battery worldwide recalled batteries. 2010 May and May 2009, HP had twice the recall 5.4 million pieces and seven thousand dollars notebook batteries. From 2010 expand battery recall range of after receiving from battery, HP caused injuries, 7 up 1 smoke inhalation wounded and 36 up property damage reports.

And dell, acer, lenovo and so on competitors, HP recalls happen frequency far higher than their peers. QuXiaoDong think, are two resultant force caused such a result: one is sold worldwide first, sales of hewlett-packard, the possibility of large problems will increase; 2 it is and hewlett-packard development strategy of these years concerned.

QuXiaoDong said: laptop battery has standardization, production outsourcing, so the battery problem is a procurement problem. As with other PC manufacturers, HP to third parties are through battery HP OmniBook XE2-DC-F2055KR Battery, not his partner purchasing get production.

In 2006, the HP CEO carly Fanny merger after he left, HP's strategy in "IT service" and "PC is king" between a flood. In this case, HP HP OmniBook 3100-F1582W Battery is taken strict cost control mode. Also that it is in the position of the follower. As QuXiaoDong said: HP failed to become an apple, through the cool design, good user experience the first to launch tablet computer, also did not like lenovo, dell and acer that, the first to launch their own mobile phone products, seeking product differentiation.

QuXiaoDong said: costs continue to downlink, someday will reach the point of quality control. He thinks HP battery hp omnibook 2100-f1580w battery quality problems keep, is HP cost downside have already arrived in quality control "tipping point" results.

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