In the far distance shooting FUJIFILM NP-50 Battery range, can cover a narrow area in the scene is called a telephoto lens (telephoto) lens, 135 (35mm) format cameras are commonly used in telephoto lenses: 70 ~ 200mm, 70 ~ 300mm , 100 ~ 300mm and 135mm and so on.

The role of a telephoto lens;

Compression plane: telephoto (telephoto) lens to compress perspective to look at different plane than the actual distance is more close to each other.

Soften Background: The shooting FUJIFILM NP-60 Battery portraits or close-up, the telephoto lens is very useful. If more with the use of large aperture can be achieved virtual background, highlighting the main results.

Performance details: telephoto lens can also highlight the details of the subject, such as surface texture, and texture.

The shortcomings of a telephoto lens;

While shooting a telephoto lens will bring a lot of convenience, but inevitably there are some disadvantages, such as expensive (the price of million of good quality, professional sports or bird photography, the price is up to tens of thousands of lenses yuan); was big and bulky (such as the Canon 70 ~ 200mm f/2.8 lens, weighing 1.65kg); some cases easy to shoot photos blurred (due to general heavier telephoto lens, so there is no certain skills or experience, then , photo shoot easily be blurred.) Also, usually when shooting distant objects, the image is always full of dust, haze and heat waves affect the picture sharpness. Therefore, unless you have already or will become a "master", or is temporarily not recommended considering the purchase of more than 200mm focal length lens.

Telephoto lens FUJIFILM NP-95 Battery focal length, the more difficult to hold steady, make full use of high-speed shutter. Must ensure that every shot you in the use of "security shutter" speed (safety shutter speed ≦ 1 / focal length). For example, when shooting with 200mm focal length, shutter time should be shorter than 1/200s (such as 1/250s, 1/300s or faster.)

Telephoto lens requires you to focus more precisely because they provide relatively shallow depth of field, if not precise focus, photos, easily blurred. FUJIFILM NP-140 Battery

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